Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Occasionally I wear lipstick, and by occasionally I mean quite often.-

But do you know what drives me crazy?

When you don't have lip liner that matches the shade. Wah Wah.

I recently picked up two awesome very trendy lip colors from Sephora, and I love them. I particularly love this Sephora brand. It lasts forever, it doesn't come off. I specifically wore the dark red shade for my wedding, because I knew my husband would not love red lip marks all over his face.

So I love the lipstick, but I don't have lip liner for every shade that I own. So before I set off to work the other day I got creative. Now a lot people probably own a lip brush with a really fine tip, I actually used to, in fact I thought I still did. However I could not find that thing anywhere!

So what do you do when faced with the dilemma of A) no lip liner and B) no lip brush.

Make one!

I spotted in my makeup bag some pretty much empty liquid eyeliner that I was gonna throw away anyway and cleaned and disinfected the eyeliner brush. It worked like a charm. The tiny precision brush is not unlike most lip brushes out there.

Now maybe you don't wear liquid eyeliner, I have another solution that worked pretty well for me. Take a Q-tip and cut the tip off at an angle so it has a point. Then just like with the eyeliner brush dip it in a bit of the lipstick and line those lips!

I found the eyeliner brush was much easier to work with, but with a steady hand the Q-tip worked just as well.

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