Monday, February 2, 2015

It's motivation Monday! I had a bad weekend and I need to recommit!-

Sometimes I have weird weekends where I think its ok to throw in the towel, and sometimes it is. I mean pizza is good man, but this weekend I could have stuck to it.

Number one healthy lifestyle ruiner...Emotional eating. GAH! At the moment I am an incredibly stressed out lady. I'm not even planning a wedding anymore! No, I'm just stuck living with my parents in Arizona while my husband is in England. We have to wait till my Visa is approved until I can live there with him, and not only is the distance a problem, but just the process of what you have to provide and prove to get a visa is stressful. However, I don't think this silliness should keep me from reaching my fitness goals in 2015. So I've been doing a little research on emotional eating. The number one killer of my fitness goals. Here is a website that I have found to be so helpful.

If you're like me this is going to be such a useful tool. I think the trick for me is to find other ways to vent my stress, or boredom. Just immediately switch from needing food to going for a walk or calling a friend.

So in the spirit of Motivation Monday I am off to run 10 miles and I have all my meals planned out for the day. I will not let emotions keep me from reaching my fitness goals in 2015! Nope, not gonna happen.

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